Uncommon Races

Use the tabs to navigate through some of the more uncommon races found in Ivalice. Races found here are either extremely rare to see because they typically stay within their own cities, or are usually aggresive towards integrating into hume society. The sight of such a race in a hume society usually causes a commotion, and said person will stick out and frequently draw ire from the populus.

Ability Score Summary

Aegyl +2 +1
Genasi - Air +1 +2
Genasi - Earth +1 +2
Genasi - Fire +2 +1
Genasi - Ice +2 +1
Genasi - Lightning +1 +2
Genasi - Water +2 +1
Goblins - Baknamy +1 +2 -1 +1
Goblins - Nightblue +2 +1
Goblins - Red Caps +2 +1
Gria +1 +2
Helgas +1 +2
Lalafell - Dunesfolk +2 +1
Lalafell - Plainsfolk +1 +2
Urutan-Yensa +2 +1


Standard Languages
Language Typical Speakers Script
Bangaan Bangaa Common
Common Humes Common
Garfic Garif Garfic
Goblin Baknamy, Goblins Garfic
Mooglish Moogles Etorian
Nu Mo'kel Nu Mou Etorian
Seeq Seeq Garfic
Vieran Viera Vieran
Yensa Urutan-Yensa Garfic
Exotic Languages
Language Typical Speakers Script
Abyssal Dak'roh Nu Mou, Demons Infernal
Celestial Angels, Aegyl, Feol Viera Celestial
Deep Speech Abberations, Aliens, Helgas Etorian
Draconic Dragons, Gria Draconic
Primordial Elementals Garfic, Genasi
– Aquan
– Auran
– Fulman
– Glacian
– Ignan
– Terran
Infernal Dak'roh Nu Mou, Devils Infernal
Sylvan Fey creatures, Wood Viera Vieran
Undercommon Dak'roh Nu Mou, Underworld traders Vieran
Special Languages
Language Typical Speakers Script
The Green Word Geomancers, Plants, Rava (Wood) Viera None
Thieves' Cant Assassins, Rogues, etc. Miscellaneous symbols